Musings, Manifestations and the Keys to Living Life Abundantly

My thoughts, tips, tools, and discoveries in my search for a deliciously Abundant Life.


If music be the food of life ....

Behold my shrine to Handel!
According to Feng Shui (which I consider to be a direct application of The Secret and a potent tool in creating a beautiful and empowering sanctuary at home), the front room of my house is the centre of Creativity and Helpful People. This just so happened to be where we set up the piano ** cue Twilight Zone theme ** and our cherished antique bust of George Handel. Who, I decided, needed a far more dramatic home than perched on the top of the piano, at constant risk of being knocked to the ground by my daughter's cats.

So in keeping with the colors of silver and white, I painted a square on the wall a darker shade of grey (or gray, depending on where you're from); applied silver leaf and antique glaze to an old frame and sconce that I had; and voila! George has a home worthy of his stature, and I have a music room ready for soirees and song.
Who knows? I may even start practicing again .....
When I'm not selling candles!

1 comment:

Southern Girl said...

You have GOT TO BE one of the most creative souls I've ever met! (: We need to get together soon for coffee (or tea?) and catch up!