Musings, Manifestations and the Keys to Living Life Abundantly

My thoughts, tips, tools, and discoveries in my search for a deliciously Abundant Life.


Just One Decision

I have come to the conclusion that I have been brainwashed. Conditioned, if you will.

Due to the date of my birth - which could either be considered as a random happenstance, or the result of a vast, intricate web of small organizational miracles synchronized by the Universe - I am a Libra. Actually, let me restate that - I am believed to be a Libra. These days I am a little wary of the labels I've acquired over my 40+ years and find myself, in the new light of Spring, scrutinizing and re-evaluating each one. To be a Libran is, according to the pundits and soothsayers, to be indecisive, fickle, unable to stay the course. Blessed by being able to see so many possibilities but lacking the mental fortitude to choose, and stick to, just one.

I happened upon a new blog today with a post that rang true, and last night saw an interview of Donald Trump in which he said that the greatest attributes of self-made millionaires is to do what you love and never, never give up. Reminds me of Winston Churchill in the dark days of the war.

I think the Universe is trying to tell me something ....

Therefore, I have decided that that part of the Libran tag is no longer true of me. I am passionate about my candles, about the opportunity that MLM offers, and my ability to see it through to the Beach Money at the end.

Care to join me? They say there's lots of room at the top!

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